Wooden Games Workshop: Four in a Row

Wooden Games Workshop: Four in a Row

RRP: $15.00
Now $13.16(SAVE 30%)
RRP $18.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Just one piece from the Wooden Games Workshop range. Beautifully finished, this range of wooden favourites brings together classic board games and pastimes from around the world. Play against friends and family to see who will be the first to get four counters in a row first. A challenging game where you simply have to connect a line of 4 horizontal, vertical or diagonal balls first…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZPROF-WGW1674 Availability Backorder
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Just one piece from the Wooden Games Workshop range. Beautifully finished, this range of wooden favourites brings together classic board games and pastimes from around the world.

Play against friends and family to see who will be the first to get four counters in a row first. A challenging game where you simply have to connect a line of 4 horizontal, vertical or diagonal balls first to win!

Set contains: Game board, 42 wooden balls and instruction leaflet