Arcanis 5E Campaign Setting Runic Edition

Arcanis 5E Campaign Setting Runic Edition

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Arcanis is a world of epic adventure, intrigue, and exploration. A world beset on all sides by the machinations of inhuman empires and creatures both fel and foul. A world painted in shades of gray, rather than stark black and white, where your enemy today may be your only hope tomorrow. It is a world in desperate need of Heroes to hold back the tide of night and become legends! Wit…
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Arcanis is a world of epic adventure, intrigue, and exploration. A world beset on all sides by the machinations of inhuman empires and creatures both fel and foul. A world painted in shades of gray, rather than stark black and white, where your enemy today may be your only hope tomorrow. It is a world in desperate need of Heroes to hold back the tide of night and become legends! Within this tome lies a gateway to epic tales limited only by your imagination. With it, you will create the greatest Heroes to ever walk upon the face of Arcanis.