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News: King Of Monster Island Is Here

King of Monster Island

Monster news from the Iello team this autumn! Move over King Kong, out the way Space Penguin, there’s a new abomination on the block! That’s right, a new game in the massively successful King of… line: King of Monster Island is set to hit shops in November.

Going strong for 11 years thus far, King of Tokyo has birthed expansions, sequels and a dark edition so what’s new with King of Monster Island? Well shockingly, gone is the player vs player belligerence, along with the player elimination. In its place is a 1-5 player co-operative battle that pits monsters against… well a bigger monster, let’s call it a boss!

The mechanisms will be instantly familiar to fans of King of Tokyo or King of New York, but now with so much more. The map with 6 zones sees bosses and monsters moving around the board manipulating allies and trying to achieve their goals. For the boss this goal is to open an inter dimensional portal of evil, naturally. He’ll use his minions and the special boss dice rolled through the nifty volcano to achieve this. The monsters on the other hand want only to smoosh that lava Lord! Gone is the 20 point win condition, this is a fight to the bitter end.

Players have to work together (if one monster healths out it’s game over) and use the fantastic new ally powers in order to win. With the addition of support boats and locking and unlocking dice for later use all this makes KoMI a much richer, bigger and more board gamey experience. As the game plays out the bosses and the players powers and abilities increase giving a fantastic arc to each game with epic turns toward the end and a pleasant rise in tension.

And the best bit? King of Monster Island is available to pre-order from Zatu right now!

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