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Top 5 Star Wars Video Games

Top 5 Star Wars Video Games Feature

It's hard to believe our beloved May the Fourth began with a newspaper headline congratulating Margaret Thatcher. Fast forward forty years and now it is an official Star Wars Day! Star Wars fans latched onto the newspaper slogan, ‘May the Fourth be with you’ as it sounded close to the fan favourite line, ‘May the force be with you’.

Before you feel like you’ve stumbled into a lecture on the history of, ‘May the fourth’, let's get into why you’re all here. Video games. Star Wars games have a rich history and have tried to fill in the gaps and retell epic adventures. Some have largely missed the mark, but others have earned themself a place in our esteemed top 5.

To celebrate May the 4th, we count down our favourite Star Wars video games. From flashy space battles to iconic Darth Vader cameos, join us in celebrating this iconic space-opera franchise.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Seb Hawden

Star Wars season is upon us and May the Fourth be with you! Who does not love Star Wars? Who does not love Lego? The Skywalker Saga is the latest Lego game from Travellers Tales and Warner Brothers. This latest iteration covers all nine of the Skywalker films. From The Phantom Menace all the way through to The Rise of Skywalker, in all their blocky, Lego-y goodness.

What I think most people love about these games is the way they tackle the IP with happiness, laughter, and a tongue-in-cheek attitude. We laughed at stupid scenes, giggled at Star Wars in-jokes, and chortled at some of the meta-funnies included in this Jedi-laden package.

Initially I thought this could be a drawn-out affair, especially with so many previous Lego Star Wars titles under my belt. Surprisingly, I found a number of changes included in the latest instalment. From an overhauled combat system to more reactive enemies, this new title felt fresh while keeping all the fun and wonder that made the previous titles so well-loved. Everyone from gran to the younger members of the family could get stuck into quelling the Dark Side.

The amount of content in this game is enormous. There are over 1000 Kyber blocks to find and collect, loads of vehicles and characters to unlock, and side quests galore. Mix all that with space combat and improved exploration and you have an amount of content even Jabba the Hutt would struggle to digest. You get a lot for your hard-earned cash. You get a galaxy of delightful gameplay and something you can sit down with the fam and enjoy together. That's where games like this shine. It's well worth your time and effort. May the fourth be with you!

The last time I played a third-person, action-adventure, Star Wars game was when I played The Force Unleashed II... Sadly, this game wasn’t everything I had hoped it to be. And I left feeling disappointed.

I thought Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order might follow in the same dreary footsteps. I worried the lore would be murky, the gameplay so-so, and the runtime short. And boy was I wrong on all accounts. This game was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed it so much that I even hunted for the platinum trophy, which I never do unless I like a game ALOT.

The story felt exciting and every character had depth. Shocking I know! It’s rare that games can nail the feel of cutting people down with a lightsaber and tell a memorable story at the same time. But Jedi: Fallen Order balanced this well. The gameplay progressed steadily and the story kept you pushing forward.

Additionally, the fan service was spot on. They managed to squeeze in jaw-dropping cameos, use original score music, and include references to our favourite moments. A fun one for me was when I heard a trooper say, ‘At least we have the high ground’. I was instantly transported back to that scene of Obi-Wan slicing up Anakin in Revenge of the Sith. Alas, for the troopers, high ground wasn’t the advantage they thought it was as I force pulled them into my lightsaber. Sorry... not sorry.

For me Jedi: Fallen Order has to go down as being one of the best Star Wars video games. The story is well crafted and fits into the lore nicely. It pays homage to fans whilst also inviting new blood into the fold.

As Yoda would probably say, ‘Play it you must’.

Star Wars: SquadronsPaul Blyth

There’s so much to love about Star Wars. For me, the iconic ships and epic space battles are at the top. Who hasn’t dreamt of piloting an X-Wing? Back in 1997, the only way to replicate those glorious battles was with X-Wing vs TIE Fighter on the PC. I played that game until the day my PC finally died and trapped the CD-ROM inside it forever. Sadly, it took another 23 years until Star Wars Squadrons arrived, courtesy of Motive Studios, for me to jump back into the cockpit of my beloved X-Wing. But it was totally worth the wait.
All the iconic ships, from both sides, are available. Combat is fast, smooth and frantic, with the ability to switch power around your ship, changing the course of a dogfight in an instant. Taking down capital ships has never been more satisfying, and the online competitive multiplayer is flawless. The whole thing takes place shortly after the battle of Endor, when everything was great and JJ Abrams & Rian Johnson were nowhere to be found.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Criticised widely and rightly for its abuse of player loyalty, it would be an understatement to say that the second iteration of Battlefront was underwhelming.

Bugs and glitches plagued its release and the lack of content — maps, heroes, villains, weapons and game modes — left people feeling shortchanged. So much so, many returned to Battlefront I, whose two years of content updates meant it remained an attractive alternative.

Player power was the winner at the end of the day. A heavily downvoted Reddit response was closely followed by the removal of pay to win microtransactions. In an effort to repair their reputation, DICE and EA set about improving the game, and improve it they did through free title updates — after dispensing with season passes.

Now, in 2022 it’s safe to say that the game has improved immensely. Whilst the single player remains a little shallow, they worked on this and made the experience worthwhile. The multiplayer — which is where Battlefront shines — has more game modes to suit your style of play, a huge arsenal of weapons and characters to choose from, and loads of maps to experience, ranging from Bespin to Vardos.

The maps span across everyone’s favourite locations and provide a nice mixture of size, setting, and design.

When that Star Wars bug bites, there are no better Star Wars video games to play to satisfy the urge. Blaster pistol fire zips about, whilst an epic soundtrack ramps up in the background. You hear a distant lightsaber swishing, which sets your heart beating faster; and your friends flank you as you approach an enemy stronghold, filling you with this pseudo-pride found only on the battlefield of an online multiplayer.

From the Clone Wars to the Original Trilogy updates, Battlefront II became the game that we all wanted it to be. A game that catered, near enough, to everyone. Battlefront’s strength lies in its ability to create the feeling that we’re part of the Star Wars universe; experiencing those galactic moments of importance. There’s no better time to get involved!

Star Wars Knights of the Old RepublicSophie Jones

There have been many Star Wars video games over the years. Some of these I have loved and some I’d rather forget. For me, the first game to get it right and capture that Star Wars essence was Knights of the Old Republic. Published in 2003, it’s something of an OAP but that means one thing... it’s REMAKE time baby.

Knights of the Old Republic is a fantastic RPG. You get to create your own character and roam the galaxy 4,000 years before the Galactic Empire was a thing. The game is full to the brim of interesting choices, characters, locations and conversations.

As a player, I fell in love with this game as I felt like an active participant in the Star Wars realm. Each choice I made felt grounded as it had repercussions. Being angry to a guy in a bar would lead to him jumping me later with his goons! Additionally, every NPC has something important to say which made side quests relevant and fun. It’s a roleplaying game which invites you into the Star Wars world and says, ‘Hey, go have your own adventure now.’

Despite its age, the game still stands up today. I recently caved and bought it on the Nintendo Switch to relive the adventure. The gameplay can feel archaic, and the graphics aren’t as shiny as they used to be, but the story and adventure are still impeccable. You explore fan favourite locations such as Tatooine and get to know 9 unique companions.

If you have never played this game before, you are in luck. During the Sony showcase, they announced a trailer for an upcoming remake. Developed by Aspyr, it will release on PS5 and PC. The story, which is the best part of this game, isn’t set to change, but the gameplay could get a nice overhaul. Keep your eyes peeled for this one as I am sure it will grace Zatu stores on release!

May the fourth be with you.