BattleTech Battle Mat: Caustic Valley / Mines

BattleTech Battle Mat: Caustic Valley / Mines

RRP: $39.99
Now $42.78(SAVE 16%)
RRP $50.99
Expected Release Date 01/08/2024
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-CAT35800R Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Roll out high-quality neoprene maps on your BattleTech gaming table! Each map is 34″ x 22″, the perfect “two-map” size for most games. The maps are high-resolution with great color quality, making them some of the most beautiful and durable BattleTech maps ever produced. The neoprene is also thin for ease of storage, and double-sided for versatility. Each neoprene map details two Tukayyid battle sites