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NEWS: Age Of Sigmar Launch Box


I went to bed last night knowing that I didn’t need the new Age of Sigmar launch box. How wrong I was. Taking aside that the box contains rulebooks for both spearhead and the main game - plus the general’s handbook cards and some terrain, there are two entire spearhead forces in there, both of which are packed with great models.

Each of these forces will look great on the table. We have a horde of chittering rat men and the elite army of Stormcast Eternals. My days of painting horde armies have long passed so it’s the Stormcast that I am most excited about with this release. It’s great to see how the designs for these Stormcast miniatures have evolved over the past 10 years. Gone are the days where it’s impossible to distinguish what character each hero model represents and definitely gone are the days where the models look clunky and mono-pose.

We now have some wonderful looking and very distinguishable miniatures that will surely be a joy to paint. Each model looks like a character in its own right with plenty of detail and many textures to focus on.

The Skaven too look amazing and the new sculpts really capture their wild abandon and cunning.

Looking to the books, I am not yet convinced by spearhead because I am not totally sure how forces are composed. That said, this format of the game is what many of my friends are most excited about. I’m definitely looking forward to the 4th edition core rulebook with that sweet Path to Glory campaign play and the new-style general’s handbook cards. Additional scenery is always a bonus too.

Given the content of the box, the £160 retail price seems very reasonable; especially if you’re able to get a pre-order in with Zatu for that healthy orange discount!

It seems I do need the new fourth edition launch box after all…