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Why the Gaming Industry Could be the New Social Media

video gaming industry feature image

Watching Twitch and other gaming-related sites grow exponentially, we have started to realize that these sites are a rising star in the gaming industry.

Millions of people are sitting at their computers, watching others play and making a profit off of it. Will this be the new social media?

Did you know that gamers are just as influential as the average Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram influencer? It's true. Gamers, game sellers, and game developers can all be powerful influencers.

In fact, users within the gaming industry have more significant influence over the purchase decisions of others than most other industries.

But this is just one aspect of it.

Let’s analyze other points to see why the gaming industry is touted as the new social media.

Games Have Socially Engaging and Connectivity Features

In the past, games used to be just for entertainment. But today, games are evolving into something more. With the help of connectivity features, they have become another way to connect with your audience or customers.

For instance, the socially engaging and connectivity features of games, such as real-time voice and video chats, text chat, guild mechanics, and co-op tasks, make the gaming experience more interactive, engaging, connected, and immersive.

For instance, several popular games such as the RMS, Dragon Quest Builders 2, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe support voice chat via the Nintendo Switch Online app.

Multiplayer Games Facilitate Socialization

Multiplayer games require two or more players to form a team. All the players are aiming for a common goal, which is usually something that only in-game allies can perform, like capturing the enemy’s fortress and winning the game or saving their world from a plague.

Like-minded people can come together to play games in any genre they want. For instance, people who share the same love for horror movies, as well as gaming, can form a group and play the asymmetrical multiplayer game Dead by Daylight.

What’s most important for a multiplayer game is socialization - implementing a friendly environment that fosters not just communication between players but also cooperation.

Gamers Can Express Their True Selves Within the Community

Another way gaming is helping people connect is by allowing gamers to express their true selves within their community, albeit using their digital persona or “avatars.”

For instance, Riot Games released Avatar Creator for League of Legends to let players create their custom character avatars. Users can choose from several hairstyles, accessories, armor, and backgrounds.

This makes the gaming experience more expressive and interactive.

Aside from this, for many gamers, Twitch and the chat systems built right inside their respective games are akin to social media platforms. They allow gamers to connect with each other while they play or broadcast live game footage. It can also be used like other social media platforms as an outlet to present their true selves to the world.

There are Several Games Targeted Towards Adults

Video games are no longer played only by kids. As per stats, 64% of US adults play video games daily. Seeing the surge in the number of gamers, many gaming companies are releasing more games than ever before, especially targeting millennials.

The impact of the COVID-19 on the gaming industry has also been enormous. In 2020, the time spent playing video games during the pandemic increased by double digits in all regions. In Latin America, gamers increased their time spent playing video games by 52%.

Another survey by Statista found that 50% of gamers in the UK reported that playing video games during the lockdown period made gamers feel happier - while 39% said they felt less isolated.

Live Game Streaming Facilitates Socialization

There are several social features that have made it easier for gamers to communicate, play, and compete with each other. Live game streaming tech lets gamers capture exciting game moments using high-quality videos and make use of streaming platforms to further share them with fellow gaming enthusiasts.

In 2020, the number of gaming video content viewers worldwide crossed 1.2 billion. It was an increase from 944 million in 2019. Twitch is the most popular streaming platform to view gaming live-streams, followed by YouTube Gaming and then Facebook Gaming.

Live streaming is also an excellent opportunity to showcase your gaming skills to the world while interacting with the viewers watching the stream. It promotes a sense of community among gamers and facilitates the formation of micro-communities within player groups. To get started with your own live stream, all you need is a good gaming PC.

Online Gaming Communities Support Each Other and Can Evolve Simultaneously

Gamers usually function in a tight-knit community. Most gaming communities have evolved over the years in synchrony and support one another.

One of the several online media platforms gamers visit to engage and learn about their target gaming audience is Reddit.

Gamers use this platform for all sorts of things, including giving out info about new game updates, studying how other gamers are navigating a tricky level, seeking feedback about a game, and asking for suggestions to make changes in a game. There are also online gaming communities where people get together to talk about their favourite games, collect funds for in-gaming purchases, host worldwide tournaments, and so forth.

All these communities and groups pave the way for a new medium of worldwide communication and shared bonhomie.

Gaming Can Help Build a Bright Future

You’ve probably heard about the bad reputation video games have. But that is only a small part of the bigger picture. Video games can actually be used to help people with real-life problems.

And since the video game industry is booming, with it comes ample opportunity for gamers to make passive income.

For instance, if you are capable of playing video games professionally, there are colleges offering esports scholarships in America. These institutions are taking steps to ensure that students are trained well.

If you look at the earnings of professional gamers, the top player in esports has earned a total of $7,183,837.80. There is a lot of potential for gamers who are serious.

Aside from eSports, you can also live-stream your games on YouTube or Twitch and monetize your channels. This will also pave the way for advertisement opportunities and sponsorships.

There is a Rise in Female Gamers

When you think of a “Gamer,” the initial thought is probably some dude, staring at his computer screen or TV set. Right? Well, that’s no longer the case (if it ever was).

Not all gamers are male. Statistics suggest that in 2021, the number of women gamers in the US was 45%, up from 41% during the previous year.

While women have always played video games, there seems to be a more welcoming environment for women to play. And with the rise of women gamers, there is a lot of potential for matchmaking and making friends with people of the opposite gender as well via gaming.

The Future of Gaming is Bright

The gaming industry has gotten significantly bigger and better over the past decade. As the technology becomes more advanced, more content is being produced, and new games are being released constantly. More people are beginning to get involved with gaming, both as players and developers.

Although the idea of video-game playing is often associated with social outcasts. Or even teens in dark rooms accompanied by empty pizza boxes. That picture is quickly changing.

Gaming is now transitioning into the mainstream, with A-list actors like Henry Cavill openly talking about their gaming addiction and even starring in shows adapted from popular video games.

E-commerce giant Amazon has also cited its interest in developing an Amazon Games feature. It has already acquired Twitch, and this development is going to help in expanding the gaming industry.

Evidently, video games have moved past the point of being a niche hobby and have become part of mainstream culture. The sky's the limit as far as the growth and development of the gaming industry are concerned.

Wrapping Up

This is an exciting time for gamers, as gaming connects with other communities and industries that can benefit from the social aspects of this platform. Gamers from all around the world can connect, collaborate, build friendships and business relationships with one another.

Many of the skills you’ve learned using social media can be applied to gaming as well: building avid fanbases, developing products and content, establishing your brand name, and even garnering media attention (through sponsoring or creating actual content or advertising) are all viable options. In other words, playing video games doesn’t have to be merely a form of entertainment. It can be a business model as well.

This is just the beginning. In fact, social media as we know it today might get surpassed by interactive technology in gaming and/or virtual reality.