Run 2 Street

Run 2 Street

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The first to arrive wins! Discover my very first board game inspired by the famous Mille Bornes._x000D_ _x000D_ Choose your “vehicle” (trotting, skateboarding, BMX, rollerblading) and cover the most kilometers before your friends. Of course, we are not here to make it easy for you so you will have obstacles on your way but if you play your cards right, you will have your…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-TOPRTS140001 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The first to arrive wins! Discover my very first board game inspired by the famous Mille Bornes._x000D_
Choose your "vehicle" (trotting, skateboarding, BMX, rollerblading) and cover the most kilometers before your friends. Of course, we are not here to make it easy for you so you will have obstacles on your way but if you play your cards right, you will have your chance to finish first!_x000D_
It won't be easy but don't forget: "never give up, always persevere"