Purple Haze

Purple Haze

RRP: £69.00
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RRP £69.00
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Purple Haze is an immersive story-creation cooperative game for 1 to 4 players that drops you into the heart of darkness: Vietnam, 1967.

You lead a squad of Marines through the dense jungles, flooded rice paddies, and straw-thatched and bamboo villages of this verdant but war-wracked country. Gut-wrenching choices will determine the fate of you and your mission, showing if you have what it takes to survive.

Purple Haze is in part a story-creation game, in part a tactical combat game, and in part a campaign game. Your decisions determine the story. Your tactics decide the outcome of life and death firefights. Your men will suffer. Some won’t make it home. Those that do will get wiser, get tougher. The goal: complete the mission, get out alive.