Pathfinder Second Edition RPG (P2): Potions and Talismans Deck

Pathfinder Second Edition RPG (P2): Potions and Talismans Deck

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Every hero relies on a few extra resources to get through a day of dangerous adventuring: a restorative potion, special arrows, an extra scroll, or the perfect talisman. The Pathfinder Potions and Talismans Deck contains 110 cards detailing every consumable magic item in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, including ammunition, oils, potions, scrolls, talismans, and more! Each card featur…
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Every hero relies on a few extra resources to get through a day of dangerous adventuring: a restorative potion, special arrows, an extra scroll, or the perfect talisman. The Pathfinder Potions and Talismans Deck contains 110 cards detailing every consumable magic item in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, including ammunition, oils, potions, scrolls, talismans, and more! Each card features statistics, descriptions, and beautiful full-color illustrations. Whether you're a GM building a merchant’s wares or a player stocking up for your next adventure, the Potions and Talismans Deck keeps your must-have items at hand!