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Wiggles 3D Announce 5 Minute Mystery

5 minute mystery
5 minute mystery

Wiggles 3D have recently been teasing the release of their newest 5 Minute game, 5 Minute Mystery! 

What's a 5 Minute game?

The 5 Minute games have, so far, come from a straight cloth. Battling, dungeon crawling, and panic. This has been a tried and tested recipe and has resulted in many excellent adventures and hilarious outcomes.

5 Minute Dungeon was the first in its lineage and was the creation of Conor Reid and was published by Wiggles 3D. It was brought into existence in 2017 and has had a superb reception since then, being just under 1000% funded on its Kickstarter. It was highly praised by the gaming community and has received constant praise for its ease of access and high level of fun in a short period of time.

5 Minute Dungeon is a cooperative, fast paced dungeon crawler that leaves no time for planning and carefully thought out actions. You run in, sword held high, screaming your best battle cry! You power through every room and inevitably meet a big bad guy who needs a fist in the face for you to get the treasure. What's not to love!? Since this success, there has also been an expansion to enhance this madness further - Curses! Foiled Again!

Following that success, Conor Reid moved onto a less fantasy based and went for Hollywood's biggest current franchise. 5 Minute Marvel has the same concept as it's dungeon-esqe counterpart, but centred around comic book heroics and villainy. You have a mission to complete as the noble heroes of the comics, and you have 5 minutes to do it. There's a lot more need to communicate to ensure you take down the minions and big villain correctly... But again, you'll often run in with Mjolnir held high, screaming a bloodthirsty battle cry. What's charming here is that the timer is JARVIS, so although you won't plan like Iron Man, you can pretend to be the part!

So What's Next?

Recently, Wiggles 3D have teased a multitude of strange, mysterious and outright suspicious posts on their Facebook. From police lineups, to strange symbols... all things point to one logical conclusion! A new 5 Minute game! Last night it was revealed that the next venture they'll be taking on is 5 Minute Mystery! The game will be live on Kickstarter on November 26th and will no doubt receive an excellent reception following their track record. 

Very little is known about the new 5 Minute Mystery other than what's been revealed. You take on the roles of detectives, focussing on solving the crime of a theft at a museum. A rare artefact has been stolen! Disaster! Luckily, you and your fellow detectives come highly recommended with you track record or cracking cases in record times. So no pressure! You need to use a codex to solve a multitude of clues to best reveal the crook's identity, all with 5 minutes. Of course, this time adds stress and I've never seen Sherlock fumbling around for a few moments to point the finger. So again, no pressure! 

Why Are We Excited?

5 Minute Mystery is going to no doubt follow its predecessors' footsteps with pure anarchy and excellent fun. You'll argue, laugh, panic and - hopefully - solve the case! And even if you don't, it's not like it took long to get it wrong. It's only 5 Minutes! Keep an eye out for that Kickstarter on the 26th, and be sure to check for Early Bird promotions! Don't miss out!