The Invincible Armada

The Invincible Armada

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Of all the “what ifs” in History, few can compete with “What if the Spanish Armada had succeeded?” The Protestant Reformation might have faded early. Colonization of the New World (and the rivalries there) certainly would have been very different. Award-winning game designer Mark McLaughlin brings us a new look at the Armada. Players will use both a Strategic…
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Of all the "what ifs" in History, few can compete with "What if the Spanish Armada had succeeded?" The Protestant Reformation might have faded early. Colonization of the New World (and the rivalries there) certainly would have been very different. Award-winning game designer Mark McLaughlin brings us a new look at the Armada. Players will use both a Strategic and a Tactical map. While there are few physical unit counters in play, many information chits and dozens of "Event Chits" influence play.