The Destiny of Kings - Kings of War Campaign Supplement

The Destiny of Kings – Kings of War Campaign Supplement

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Mortibris the Necromancer cursed and spat in the dust as he saw the host which awaited them. Leave it to the Elves to meddle in matters which did not concern them. With the Dwarfs and possibly the Basileans soon to be at his back, he could ill-afford further distractions here. No matter. The Elves facing him had no idea of the power he could unleash. Not even the blighted maiden at …
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Mortibris the Necromancer cursed and spat in the dust as he saw the host which awaited them. Leave it to the Elves to meddle in matters which did not concern them. With the Dwarfs and possibly the Basileans soon to be at his back, he could ill-afford further distractions here. No matter. The Elves facing him had no idea of the power he could unleash. Not even the blighted maiden at their head, whose essence he recognised readily enough...