House of M Omnibus

House of M Omnibus

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The unstable Scarlet Witch has rewritten reality – into a world where Magneto is king! In this “House of M,” mutants are Earth’s dominant species, living glamorous lives and reigning over the oppressed Sapien class. But Wolverine, now a member of Magnus’ peacekeeping force S.H.I.E.L.D., remembers how the world used to be. And his quest to find and awake…
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The unstable Scarlet Witch has rewritten reality - into a world where Magneto is king! In this "House of M," mutants are Earth's dominant species, living glamorous lives and reigning over the oppressed Sapien class. But Wolverine, now a member of Magnus' peacekeeping force S.H.I.E.L.D., remembers how the world used to be. And his quest to find and awaken his former allies in the Avengers and X-Men sparks a revolution that aims to tear down Wanda's strange new world