Dungeon Crawl Classics #96: The Tower of Faces (RPG Adv.)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #96: The Tower of Faces (RPG Adv.)

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RRP £8.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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A level 6 adventure for DCC RPG. This adventure features cover art by Sanjulian, of Warren Publishing fame (Creepy, Eerie, etc.). The adventurers have been summoned to a mysterious black tower made of glass. They are given a simple mission: protect the mage’s estate while he is distracted weaving a mighty spell. Surviving the five days of his spellcasting requires quick wits and s…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-GMG5097 Availability Backorder
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A level 6 adventure for DCC RPG. This adventure features cover art by Sanjulian, of Warren Publishing fame (Creepy, Eerie, etc.). The adventurers have been summoned to a mysterious black tower made of glass. They are given a simple mission: protect the mage’s estate while he is distracted weaving a mighty spell. Surviving the five days of his spellcasting requires quick wits and sharp blades, for the estate has mischievous guests and strange visitors. In the end, the mage demands one final task: stand by his side as he binds a great horror from beyond.