The Face of Struggle (Paperback)

The Face of Struggle (Paperback)

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Using the time-honoured technique of the wordless graphic novel as developed by Franz Masereel and Lynd Ward, this book is an allegorical take on our current age strongman politics, a worldwide nightmare in which thugs like Trump herald the possible rise of a new, modern form of fascism. In a series of thirty-seven striking two-colour images, Tobocman traces the dynamics of politica…
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Using the time-honoured technique of the wordless graphic novel as developed by Franz Masereel and Lynd Ward, this book is an allegorical take on our current age strongman politics, a worldwide nightmare in which thugs like Trump herald the possible rise of a new, modern form of fascism. In a series of thirty-seven striking two-colour images, Tobocman traces the dynamics of political discontent and struggle, including how right-wing politicians like Donald Trump co-opt and redirect mass frustration and anger in ways that strengthen the very forces that cause discontent in the first place.