Paradise Fallen

Paradise Fallen

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Things aren’t what they once were. Here in paradise, breathtaking views were a dime a dozen and awe-inspiring beauty was a blasé norm. The days of beauty and awe are few and far between now and are to be soaked up as if they could be your last because they just might be. The ground is broken as are the people. Paradise is no more, it is dark, it is cold. Paradise has fallen. …
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Things aren't what they once were. Here in paradise, breathtaking views were a dime a dozen and awe-inspiring beauty was a blasé norm. The days of beauty and awe are few and far between now and are to be soaked up as if they could be your last because they just might be. The ground is broken as are the people. Paradise is no more, it is dark, it is cold. Paradise has fallen.

In Paradise Fallen: The Card Game, 2-4 players take on the role of tribes that are attempting to explore and navigate a fallen paradise through hand management to gather valuable powers that will enable them to survive and continue their journey. By drawing cards from the Exploration Deck on their turn, players gather the necessary rations and powers needed to explore. Throughout their journey, tribes will have to navigate islands with obstacles placed in their paths by others. The first tribe to successfully explore a certain number of islands for their powers wins.