Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan, 1941-1945

Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan, 1941-1945

RRP: £124.99
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RRP £124.99
Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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From Designer Mark Herman: In 1985, Victory Games published Pacific War. Reviewers at the time (for example, Fred Hellferich in his Fire and Movement review) felt this design set the standard for an operational/ strategic simulation of this globe spanning conflict. Over the last 35 years this game’s reputation has grown, with several failed efforts to get it back into print. N…
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Pacific War is a strategic wargame that takes players from the attack on Pearl Harbor through the climactic summer of 1945... from Australia to China, from Burma to Hawaii... from the defense of Wake Island to the Guadalcanal campaign to the massive actions fought in desperate defense of the Japanese homeland.

For the first time in a Pacific Theater game, size, subtlety, and ease of play have come together in a game of sharp action and historical accuracy. Players can become familiar with the layered Pacific War systems in the solitaire Engagement Scenarios, fighting their way through increasinly panoramic Battle, Campaign, and Strategic two-player and multi-player Scenarios. Building on the game's basic maneuver and combat systems, players learn to conduct strategic bombing, merchant shipping attition, search and detection, amphibious assaults, and extensive Operations whose duration and cost they determine themselves.

Pacific War is a source of limitless challenge and excitement for every gamer ever fascinated with the vastness and fury of the Pacific Campaigns.

Players: 2

Playing Time: 60-6000 Min

Age: 16+