New Jerusalem, A (Paperback)

New Jerusalem, A (Paperback)

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This is a beautifully-crafted portrayal of PTSD and the consequences it can have on everyone around the person affected. Eleven-year-old Ralph lives with his mother, plays in bombed-out buildings and dreams of the day his father will come home and tell him of all his heroic battles. But when his father actually does come back, he is far from what Ralph expected: his father is sullen…
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This is a beautifully-crafted portrayal of PTSD and the consequences it can have on everyone around the person affected. Eleven-year-old Ralph lives with his mother, plays in bombed-out buildings and dreams of the day his father will come home and tell him of all his heroic battles. But when his father actually does come back, he is far from what Ralph expected: his father is sullen, withdrawn and refuses to discuss the war at all. Susceptible to fits of crying and uncontrollable rages, his behaviour starts to directly impact Ralph and his mother, and the community around them.