MTG: Ravnica Allegiance Planeswalker Deck - Domri

MTG: Ravnica Allegiance Planeswalker Deck – Domri

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This is for one Magic the Gathering: Ravnica Allegiance factory sealed Planeswalker deck: 1 premium card 1 60-card deck 2 Ravnica Allegiance booster packs 1 learn-to-play insert 1 strategy insert
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-WTCC46360001DOM Availability Out of stock
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Magic the Gathering (MtG) is a collectable card game for 2 or more players. Each game represents a battle between powerful wizards, known as Planeswalkers, who have the ability to travel the multiverse.

Players will cast spells, summon creatures, and deploy artifacts to overcome their opponents. Typically, a player will win by reducing their opponent’s starting life points to zero, but there are other paths to victory.

To play the game, each player will need a deck of at least 60 cards. Players may use pre-constructed decks or customised decks created from their personal card collection.

Ravnica Allegiance is the 80th expansion for Magic the Gathering (MtG), released on 25 January 2019. The set is comprised of 259 cards, including: 111 Commons, 80 Uncommons, 53 Rares, 15 Mythic Rares.

Each Planeswalker Deck product contains:
A pre-constructed, ready to play 60-card deck
2 15-card booster packs
1 MTG arena code, allowing the purchaser to play the same deck on MTG Arena.

Included in the 60-card deck is an exclusive foil version of the named planeswalker: Domri, City Smasher (Mythic) which is exclusive to the produce.

A number of additional exclusive cards are also included. The exclusive cards in this product are: Domri’s Nodorog (Rare), Charging War Boar (Uncommon) and Ragefire (Common).

A planeswalker deck is a great way to introduce new players to the game – providing both a ready to play deck, and a number of booster packs from which the deck can be customised.

Player Count: 2+
Time: Depending on format 20 – 70 minutes
Age: 13+