Match These Bones

Match These Bones

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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Match the dinosaurs with their skeletons in the latest in our best-selling range of memory games. In Match these Bones, reunite the dinosaurs with their skeletons, learning about your favorite species and how they were discovered. Read fascinating facts from the included educational booklet as you play, from which dinosaurs had feathers (and how this shows they evolved from birds) t…
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Category Tag SKU ZHAC-9781786277190 Availability Backorder
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Match the dinosaurs with their skeletons in the latest in our best-selling range of memory games. In Match these Bones, reunite the dinosaurs with their skeletons, learning about your favorite species and how they were discovered. Read fascinating facts from the included educational booklet as you play, from which dinosaurs had feathers (and how this shows they evolved from birds) to what those spikes on triceratops' skulls are really for. Everything we know about dinosaurs today comes from the discovery of bones and fossils. Dinosaurs are a perennial favorite with children so it's the perfect game to buy for dinosaur experts or future paleontologists!