Light and Dark

Light and Dark

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Flick, flip, fun! In Light & Dark, two players compete to see whether they can turn druids to the side of the light or the dark. Flick druid disks across the table in an attempt to convert your opponent’s druids, or light and extinguish torches to win the game. 2 Players 10-15 Min Playing Time Age: 10
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-AEG5891 Availability Out of stock
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Flick, flip, fun! In Light & Dark, two players compete to see whether they can turn druids to the side of the light or the dark. Flick druid disks across the table in an attempt to convert your opponent's druids, or light and extinguish torches to win the game. 2 Players 10-15 Min Playing Time Age: 10