Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble

Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill’s Greatest Gamble

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The game system emphasizes command and control. Players command by Brigade and Regiment. To be successful, a player must plan for the eventual exhaustion of their troops, rotating them out of line to rest and recover stragglers. The result is an accurate modeling of the tempo of these battles. Infantry combat is ranged rifle and MG fire, culminating in close assault. Artillery is po…
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The game system emphasizes command and control. Players command by Brigade and Regiment. To be successful, a player must plan for the eventual exhaustion of their troops, rotating them out of line to rest and recover stragglers. The result is an accurate modeling of the tempo of these battles. Infantry combat is ranged rifle and MG fire, culminating in close assault. Artillery is powerful but ultimately limited. Shrapnel from the standard field guns is deadly against troops in the open, but only the rare howitzers firing high-angle HE can deal with trenches. The map scale is 400 metres per hex. Tha map covers the entire southern section of the peninsula from the Sari Bair range to Cape Helles (i.e. from Anzac to Helles, including all the forts in between). Daylight turns are two hours, night turns are four hours.