Dungeon: Early Years Set (Paperback)

Dungeon: Early Years Set (Paperback)

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In this first story of the Early Years, the Keeper leaves his family to go find fortune in a time of chaos and darkness and becomes the Night Shirt - a misguided vigilante who renders justice nightly. In the second story, the Night Shirt stumbles upon Alexandra, the one he pines for, about to be raped and comes to her valiant and heroic rescue with romantic bravura. Perfect for love…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781561639328 Availability Backorder
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In this first story of the Early Years, the Keeper leaves his family to go find fortune in a time of chaos and darkness and becomes the Night Shirt - a misguided vigilante who renders justice nightly. In the second story, the Night Shirt stumbles upon Alexandra, the one he pines for, about to be raped and comes to her valiant and heroic rescue with romantic bravura. Perfect for lovers of heroic fantasy and dark humour, this two-volume set is the complete run of this subseries of Dungeon.