Blake & Mortimer Vol. 23: Professor Sato's Three Formulae - Part 2 (Paperback)

Blake & Mortimer Vol. 23: Professor Sato’s Three Formulae – Part 2 (Paperback)

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Professor Sat, who has made incredible advances in the field of cybernetics, has been kidnapped by Olrik. A cautious man, Sat had revealed to Professor Mortimer the hiding place of the three formulae that govern his discoveries, and asked him to protect them if need be. Unfortunately, Mortimer is eventually captured as well, and Olrik makes a robotic copy of him to retrieve the form…
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Professor Sat, who has made incredible advances in the field of cybernetics, has been kidnapped by Olrik. A cautious man, Sat had revealed to Professor Mortimer the hiding place of the three formulae that govern his discoveries, and asked him to protect them if need be. Unfortunately, Mortimer is eventually captured as well, and Olrik makes a robotic copy of him to retrieve the formulae. Now, though, Captain Blake is coming to Japan, hell bent on finding his old friend.