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Warhammer Bulletin: For Krieg!


Welcome to another Warhammer Bulletin, taking a look each week at what’s gone up for pre-order in the Warhammer universe. While there are some really nice releases for MESBG this week related to the new film, the stars of the show are the new plastic Kreig. As someone with a Krieg Kill Team, I understand the love.


There are very few in the grimdark of the 41st millennium that are more grim and dark than the Death Korps of Krieg. Masters of the siege and with an overall awesome aesthetic, these new releases are very welcome.

● Death Korps of Krieg Army Set - The perfect way to start a Krieg army. It includes a Death Rider lance of 10 models, led by Lord Marshal Dreir. Supported by a team of 5 Krieg Combat Engineers with a remote mine, plus an artillery team which can become a heavy mortar, a siege cannon, a heavy quad launcher, or a multiple rocket launcher. Not to mention the fact you get a copy of the new Codex: Astra Militarum with unique cover art, a pack of 68 gameplay aid cards, including all 64 datasheet cards, and a Death Korps of Krieg transfer sheet with 803 decals.

Battlefield Trophies - You might not think these are anything special, but adding these kinds of details to your models bases really makes them stand out.


Riding into the fray straight from the War of the Rohirrim are several really nice models.

Haleth™ & Háma™ - A great set of the two princes

● Héra™, The Bride of Death - A brave bridge indeed

Wulf™, High Lord of the Hill Tribes & General Targg™ - For a double team of baddies

● Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers

● Several returning older kits including

○ Bard of Laketown

○ Thranduil, King of Mirkwood

○ Iron Hills Ballista

○ Gondor Warcry Trebuchet

○ Galadriel and Celeborn

○ Haldir

○ Lorien Elf Commanders

○ Minas Tirith Commanders

○ Rohan Commanders

○ Goblin King & Retinue

○ The trolls Bill, Bert and Tom

○ Various Uruk-Hai siege troops

○ Isengard Assault Ballista

○ Mordor War Catapult

○ Gundabad Orc Warband

○ The Watcher in the Water

○ Gorbag and Shagrat

○ Morrannon Orc Commanders

○ Mordor Orc Commanders

○ Cave Troll

○ Rohan House

○ Rohan Watch Tower and Palisades

○ Rohan Stronghold

Black Library

● Leontus: Lord Solar - Will he be able to find back against the overwhelming tide of Orks? Available in hardback, eBook, and MP3 audiobook

● Soldiers of the Imperium - The exploits of the everyman. Available in paperback and eBook.

Renegades: Lord of Excess - Available in paperback

● Requiem Infernal - Available in audiobook