Yu-Gi-Oh! Action Figures - Blue Eyes White Dragon Solid (3.75 inch)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Action Figures – Blue Eyes White Dragon Solid (3.75 inch)

RRP: $9.99
Now $12.56
RRP $12.99
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Expanding on its success in the trading card and anime category, Yu-Gi-Oh are proud to introduce a collection of beautifully sculpted figures for fans of all ages to collect. Yu-Gi-Oh 3.75 Inch figures are highly detailed and articulated. A rare and exclusive card is also included in each pack. Each card is unique to the character.
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-CHO5501B Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Expanding on its success in the trading card and anime category, Yu-Gi-Oh are proud to introduce a collection of beautifully sculpted figures for fans of all ages to collect. Yu-Gi-Oh 3.75 Inch figures are highly detailed and articulated. A rare and exclusive card is also included in each pack. Each card is unique to the character.