X-Men Vol. 1: Dawn of X (Paperback)

X-Men Vol. 1: Dawn of X (Paperback)

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DAWN OF X! The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility… and things have never been better! Follow Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses as an island full of unspeakable horrors appears on the horizon! The X-Men have their work cut out for themselves keeping Krakoa, the living island, safe! Collecting: X-Men 1-6.
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DAWN OF X! The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility... and things have never been better! Follow Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses as an island full of unspeakable horrors appears on the horizon! The X-Men have their work cut out for themselves keeping Krakoa, the living island, safe! Collecting: X-Men 1-6.