World Football Stars Top Trumps Specials (Green)

World Football Stars Top Trumps Specials (Green)

RRP: £8.00
Now £6.55(SAVE 18%)
RRP £8.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The roar of the crowd, the glare of the floodlights, the ball hitting the back of the net - the beautiful game has all the atmosphere, tension, and glory of any Hollywood blockbuster or stage show, and a universal language all its own. Discover 30 of the world’s finest football stars in this action-packed new edition of Top Trumps: World Football Stars. Discover precisely how many Caps, Goals, and Trophies these football stars have racked up, and battle it out for the title of Top Trump. Each card offers striking photography and a custom bio for each player that tells you everything you need to know about their career so far.

Key Features:

WORLD FOOTBALL STARS TOP TRUMPS SPECIALS: the number one card game steps onto the pitch!
BECOME THE TOP TRUMP: Prepare to outsmart your opponents, discover new and exciting football facts and duel your way to the top!
30 OF THE WORLD’S BEST PLAYERS: who has more trophies, Kevin De Bruyne or Lionel Messi?
PLAY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME: The easy-to-carry plastic case makes for a perfect travel or holiday game
ADULTS AND CHILDREN AGED 6 and up will have hours of fun with this fast-paced card game that's suitable for any number of players