White Dwarf 504 (Sep-24)

White Dwarf 504 (Sep-24)

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September’s issue of White Dwarf is packed with fantastic Warahmmer articles. Kroot mercenaries are the core focus, with rules for a new combat patrol, taking your Kroot on crusade, and a monster-hunting mission alongside an in-depth history of these alien mercenaries. For Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, A Tale of Four Warlords bows out with a huge four-player battle, while there is …
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September’s issue of White Dwarf is packed with fantastic Warahmmer articles. Kroot mercenaries are the core focus, with rules for a new combat patrol, taking your Kroot on crusade, and a monster-hunting mission alongside an in-depth history of these alien mercenaries. For Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, A Tale of Four Warlords bows out with a huge four-player battle, while there is a two-player Stormcast Eternals and Skaven campaign.

The Warhammer Studio is showcasing six fantastic 3,000-point armies painted for their Ollanz cluster campaign for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.


September’s issue of White Dwarf is packed with fantastic Warahmmer articles. Kroot mercenaries are the core focus, with rules for a new combat patrol, taking your Kroot on crusade, and a monster-hunting mission alongside an in-depth history of these alien mercenaries. For Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, A Tale of Four Warlords bows out with a huge four-player battle, while there is a two-player Stormcast Eternals and Skaven campaign.

The Warhammer Studio is showcasing six fantastic 3,000-point armies painted for their Ollanz cluster campaign for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.