Warmachine: Khador Winter Korps Battlegroup Box

Warmachine: Khador Winter Korps Battlegroup Box

RRP: £59.99
Now £47.59(SAVE 20%)
RRP £59.99
Expected Release Date 04/05/2025
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Khador is a land of hard and unforgiving winters, and a proud people to match. Descend upon your foes with the fury of a winter storm, and leave destruction in your wake. The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army. Augment your forces with two new Warjacks, both of which are capable of multiple weapon configurations to suit your style, and really mix thin…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSFG-SFIK-KDR073 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Khador is a land of hard and unforgiving winters, and a proud people to match. Descend upon your foes with the fury of a winter storm, and leave destruction in your wake.

The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army. Augment your forces with two new Warjacks, both of which are capable of multiple weapon configurations to suit your style, and really mix things up with a new Warcaster to command them.


Warcaster Kapitan Ilari Borisyuk
Dire Wolf Heavy Warjack
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