Warmachine: Cygnar Storm Forge Cadre

Warmachine: Cygnar Storm Forge Cadre

RRP: $69.99
Now $70.68(SAVE 20%)
RRP $88.99
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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The stormsmiths of Cygnar have long supported the nation’s powerful military forces in the field. Embracing advanced galvanic and mechanikal technologies with a gleeful enthusiasm that touches on madness, the arcanists of the Storm Forge maintain this tradition to the present day. Manipulating the weather and harnessing the raw power of nature, the soldiers of the Storm Forge figh…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSFG-SFIK-CGN021 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The stormsmiths of Cygnar have long supported the nation’s powerful military forces in the field. Embracing advanced galvanic and mechanikal technologies with a gleeful enthusiasm that touches on madness, the arcanists of the Storm Forge maintain this tradition to the present day. Manipulating the weather and harnessing the raw power of nature, the soldiers of the Storm Forge fight alongside the Storm Legion and other branches of Cygnar’s armed forces; for them, the sky is both weapon and shield.

Master Mechanik Adept Figmund Sparkhammer offers the Storm Legion a fourth warcaster option.

The Storm Forge cadre can be added to the Storm Legion and forthcoming Cygnar armies.

In addition to their offensive capabilities, this cadre utilizes electrical forces for a wide variety of tabletop effects.


Master Mechanik Adept Figmund Sparkhammer

Specialist Tyson Vos

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Storm Vanes Unit (3 models)

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