Vagrantsong: Encore

Vagrantsong: Encore

RRP: £65.00
Now £44.99(SAVE 30%)
RRP £65.00
Expected Release Date 04/12/2024
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Going ‘round the second time with Vagrantsong: Encore, you’ll find: An additional door, leading to a whole new chapter with exciting scenarios! Short Trip Mode, which gives players the opportunity to explore the Silver Ferryman in Chapter-sized chunks. 6 Save Your Soul Scenarios to bring your friends from the brink of becoming Haints themselves. New In-Between cards, Skills,…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBF-WYR11607 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Going ‘round the second time with Vagrantsong: Encore, you’ll find:

An additional door, leading to a whole new chapter with exciting scenarios!

Short Trip Mode, which gives players the opportunity to explore the Silver Ferryman in Chapter-sized chunks.

6 Save Your Soul Scenarios to bring your friends from the brink of becoming Haints themselves.

New In-Between cards, Skills, and Junk!

The Smoky Bones, special dice that players earn and find to help turn their bad luck around.

And enough twists and turns to make your head spin!

It’s time to hop aboard the Silver Ferryman once again with Vagrantsong: Encore.

Vagrantsong: Encore requires the core game of Vagrantsong to play.