UNIT Matte Art Standard Sleeves: Grand Archive - Jin, Fate Defiant (100 ct.)

UNIT Matte Art Standard Sleeves: Grand Archive – Jin, Fate Defiant (100 ct.)

RRP: £16.99
Now £14.39(SAVE 15%)
RRP £16.99
Expected Release Date 11/10/2024
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-AT16126 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Daunting missions lie before the Champions of Grand Archive, but they are brave enough to meet them. Embrace their powers with the new Matte Art sleeves featuring Jin Mara and Kongming. High-quality print, durable welding, and a superior shuffle feel will be your deck's allies through future battles.

Dragon Shield Matte Art Sleeves have artwork which is printed directly onto the sleeve and does not peel or split. Matte Art sleeves combine the textured Matte back with stunning artwork while maintaining excellent handling capabilities. A perfect mix of durability and shuffle-ability.

Each cardboard box contains 100 sleeves and can be used to store 75+ single-sleeved cards, or 65+ double-sleeved cards. Every box has a label on the top for personalization.

Great sleeves for MTG, Pokemon, Flesh & Blood, and Digimon!