Lord of the Rings LCG: The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Deck

Lord of the Rings LCG: The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Deck

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Combined in one single, sixty-card package, The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game introduce new setup and encounter decks that greatly increase the difficulty of the three scenarios from The Treason of Saruman Saga Expansion. With a focus on the treacherous Wizard and his fearsome Uruk-hai, these Nightmare Decks raise the stakes of your adve…
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Combined in one single, sixty-card package, The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game introduce new setup and encounter decks that greatly increase the difficulty of the three scenarios from The Treason of Saruman Saga Expansion.

With a focus on the treacherous Wizard and his fearsome Uruk-hai, these Nightmare Decks raise the stakes of your adventures with Aragorn and company as you pursue your captive companions, fight alongside the Rohirrim at the defense of Helm's Deep, and march against the fortress of Isengard. Simultaneously, they introduce new themes and story elements, such as the arrival of MauhurÕs Orcs and the dastardly effect of SarumanÕs Wizardry.

This is not a stand-alone deck. The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set and The Treason of Saruman Saga Expansion are required to play.