Thunderbolts: Justice, Like Lightning (Paperback)

Thunderbolts: Justice, Like Lightning (Paperback)

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Still on the lam through the timestream, the Thunderbolts go medieval on King Arthur and his court. But as the Ghost gets ready to make his move, Fixer discovers a terrible secret. Meanwhile, Songbird escapes for an island vacation, where a mad scientist sets his sights on her, but he isn't the only one mad about it. Then: it had to happen: Thunderbolts vs. Thunderbolts. Collecting:…
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Still on the lam through the timestream, the Thunderbolts go medieval on King Arthur and his court. But as the Ghost gets ready to make his move, Fixer discovers a terrible secret. Meanwhile, Songbird escapes for an island vacation, where a mad scientist sets his sights on her, but he isn't the only one mad about it. Then: it had to happen: Thunderbolts vs. Thunderbolts. Collecting: Thunderbolts 169-174


Still on the lam through the timestream, the Thunderbolts go medieval on King Arthur and his court. But as the Ghost gets ready to make his move, Fixer discovers a terrible secret. Meanwhile, Songbird escapes for an island vacation, where a mad scientist sets his sights on her, but he isn't the only one mad about it. Then: it had to happen: Thunderbolts vs. Thunderbolts. Collecting: Thunderbolts 169-174