Through Ice and Snow

Through Ice and Snow

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It’s the age of discovery! The British Empire needs to find new naval trade routes to Asia, and thus launches many expeditions to the Arctic in order to find The Northwest Passage. In Through Ice and Snow you and your friends journey through the Arctic and vie to become the most prestigious explorer by documenting species, mapping treacherous lands and discovering the elusive Northwest passage.

As the expedition progresses new map pieces and routes will be revealed and added to the modular board. Each player is in charge of their own ship, and the crews include three officers with individual abilities:

- The Carpenter, a craftsman that provides improvements and structures

- The Scientist, a scholar that provides invention and research

- The Captain, an officer that provides leadership and organization

You can also recruit Inuit - exceptional guides who are experts in finding fuel, improving sleds and leading vital hunting parties.

Each voyage brings unique challenges and events for your crews to face: Those Arctic journeys faced many tragedies, since finding food was extremely hard, the overworked crews were prone to mutiny, and the weather was merciless. Succeed and become immortalised. Fail and be lost to the ice….forever.