Lord of the Rings LCG: The Three Trials Adventure Pack
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The Lord of the Rings (LotR), the Card Game is a cooperative, Living Card Game (LCG) published by Fantasy Flight Games. One - two players (or up to four, with two core sets) take control of powerful characters and artifacts. Players will gather allies and coordinate efforts to take on the biggest threats to Middle-earth.
The Three Trials is the second of six adventure packs, each providing a structured scenario to play though. Collectively, the six scenarios form The Ring-Maker Cycle - An extended adventure that takes place after the events that unfolded in The Voice of Isengard Deluxe expansion. This adventure will provide strong thematic ties to Saruman and the White Council.
Note: This product is not a standalone adventure. Players will need a copies of The LotR card game: Core set and The Voice of Isengard expansion in order to play.
Captured by Dunendings, your heroes have little choice but to assist their captors - if they want to win back their freedom. The chief of the Boar Clan courts the friendship of Isengard, and an ancient artifact of power. With these, he is sure, he could unite the clans behind him. Your heroes are sent forth to face three trials, defeat each of the Dunlending Guardian spirits and claims their keys. With the keys you will have all you need to recover the Antlered Crown.
The Three Trial is played with an encounter deck formed of encounter sets: The Three Trials and Ancient Forest. The latter set is found in The Voice of Isengard expansion.
In this 60 card adventure pack you will find two new elven allies, a Noldor and a Silvan - as well as cards that tie into the Silvan themes of The Ring-Maker cycle.
Player Count: 1 - 4
Time: Depending on format 30 - 90 minutes
Age: 14+