Lord of the Rings LCG: The Thing in the Depths Adventure Pack

Lord of the Rings LCG: The Thing in the Depths Adventure Pack

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Having caught up to the Corsairs’ Stormcaller after a harrowing pursuit across troubled seas, several of Middle-earth’s heroes prepare to lead a boarding party in order to reclaim the Númenorean artifact the Corsairs had stolen. This product requires a copy of The Lord of the Rings Core Set in order to be used.
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The Lord of the Rings (LotR), the Card Game is a cooperative, Living Card Game (LCG) published by Fantasy Flight Games. One - two players (or up to four, with two core sets) take control of powerful characters and artifacts. Players will gather allies and coordinate efforts to take on the biggest threats to Middle-earth.

The Thing in the Depths is the second of six adventure packs, each providing a structured scenario to play though. Collectively, the six scenarios form the Dream-chaser Cycle - An extended adventure that takes place after the events that unfolded in The Grey Havens Deluxe expansion.

Note: This product is not a standalone adventure. Players will need a copies of The LotR card game: Core set and The Grey Havens expansion in order to play.

Your heroes have caught the Corsair ship, Stormcaller - now they must board her. In The Thing in the Depths scenario you must reclaim the Númeroean artifact stolen by the Corsairs. Nothing worth doing is easy, as your heroes battle the Corsairs, the waters beneath the Stormcaller begin to heave. From the depths, huge tentacles erupt, grappling the ship and those aboard her. The battle between pirates and hero must be put to one side, and this new threat dealt with.

The Thing in the Depths is played with an encounter deck formed of encounter sets: The Thing in the Depths, The Stormcaller, Corsair Raiders, and The Stormcaller Elite. The latter two sets are found in The Grey Havens expansion.

This 60 card adventure pack includes cards to help you determine the course of battle. A new hero of the Spirit sphere is introduced, along with three copies of nine different player cards. These include new allies for each of the spheres of influence.

Player Count: 1 - 4
Time: Depending on format 30 - 90 minutes
Age: 14+


The Lord of the Rings (LotR), the Card Game is a cooperative, Living Card Game (LCG) published by Fantasy Flight Games. One - two players (or up to four, with two core sets) take control of powerful characters and artifacts. Players will gather allies and coordinate efforts to take on the biggest threats to Middle-earth.

The Thing in the Depths is the second of six adventure packs, each providing a structured scenario to play though. Collectively, the six scenarios form the Dream-chaser Cycle - An extended adventure that takes place after the events that unfolded in The Grey Havens Deluxe expansion.

Note: This product is not a standalone adventure. Players will need a copies of The LotR card game: Core set and The Grey Havens expansion in order to play.

Your heroes have caught the Corsair ship, Stormcaller - now they must board her. In The Thing in the Depths scenario you must reclaim the Númeroean artifact stolen by the Corsairs. Nothing worth doing is easy, as your heroes battle the Corsairs, the waters beneath the Stormcaller begin to heave. From the depths, huge tentacles erupt, grappling the ship and those aboard her. The battle between pirates and hero must be put to one side, and this new threat dealt with.

The Thing in the Depths is played with an encounter deck formed of encounter sets: The Thing in the Depths, The Stormcaller, Corsair Raiders, and The Stormcaller Elite. The latter two sets are found in The Grey Havens expansion.

This 60 card adventure pack includes cards to help you determine the course of battle. A new hero of the Spirit sphere is introduced, along with three copies of nine different player cards. These include new allies for each of the spheres of influence.

Player Count: 1 - 4
Time: Depending on format 30 - 90 minutes
Age: 14+