The Fablemaker's Dec of Many Things (Holo-Foil Box Set)

The Fablemaker’s Dec of Many Things (Holo-Foil Box Set)

RRP: £50.00
Now £49.99
RRP £50.00
Expected Release Date 15/05/2025
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The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things: An Oracle for Risk and Reward is an oracle deck based on the fifth edition deck of many things. Beautifully illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani, these cards are perfect for asking yourself challenging questions and prompting reflection. Recommended for Tarot, Oracle and 5e fans alike! The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things is a deck of two halves: a…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZKS-FABLEMAKERS-DOMT Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things: An Oracle for Risk and Reward is an oracle deck based on the fifth edition deck of many things. Beautifully illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani, these cards are perfect for asking yourself challenging questions and prompting reflection.

Recommended for Tarot, Oracle and 5e fans alike!

The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things is a deck of two halves: a full-color set and a monochrome set featuring the same art but from a new perspective. You can mix and match the two halves of the deck in your oracle readings and your games to create a bespoke experience.

Overworld Cards
23 full-color cards form the Overworld half of the deck. If you are using the deck as a 5th edition deck of many things, you can use the Overworld cards as the in-game magic item we all know, love, and fear.

Underworld Cards
The 23 cards of the Underworld feature the same beautiful illustrations as the Overworld deck but in stunning monochrome. While the Overworld deck is the familiar magic item, the Underworld deck is its reflective counterpart.

The Underworld cards can also be used as an in-game magic item as they come with all-new 5e mechanics for the deck of many things based on the themes of the oracle cards.


The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things: An Oracle for Risk and Reward is an oracle deck based on the fifth edition deck of many things. Beautifully illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani, these cards are perfect for asking yourself challenging questions and prompting reflection.

Recommended for Tarot, Oracle and 5e fans alike!

The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things is a deck of two halves: a full-color set and a monochrome set featuring the same art but from a new perspective. You can mix and match the two halves of the deck in your oracle readings and your games to create a bespoke experience.

Overworld Cards
23 full-color cards form the Overworld half of the deck. If you are using the deck as a 5th edition deck of many things, you can use the Overworld cards as the in-game magic item we all know, love, and fear.

Underworld Cards
The 23 cards of the Underworld feature the same beautiful illustrations as the Overworld deck but in stunning monochrome. While the Overworld deck is the familiar magic item, the Underworld deck is its reflective counterpart.

The Underworld cards can also be used as an in-game magic item as they come with all-new 5e mechanics for the deck of many things based on the themes of the oracle cards.