The Dresden Files RPG Volume 1: Your Story

The Dresden Files RPG Volume 1: Your Story

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Beneath the normal” surface of the world are things and people which most of us don’t want to know about, and will do our best to forget about if we ever come near them. People won’t see what they don’t want to see. But that’s most of us. And you – you’re not most of us. What’s Your Story? Whether you’re a champion of God, change…
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Beneath the normal" surface of the world are things and people which most of us don't want to know about, and will do our best to forget about if we ever come near them. People won't see what they don't want to see. But that's most of us. And you - you're not most of us. What's Your Story? Whether you're a champion of God, changeling, vampire, werewolf, wizard, or plain "vanilla" mortal human being, this volume of The Dresden Files RPG gives you all the rules you need to build characters and tell your own stories in the Dresdenverse. Inside, you'll uncover the secrets of spellcasting, the extents of mortal and supernatural power, and the hidden occult reality of the unfamiliar city you call home. "

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