The Awakening: Labyrinth War Game Exp

The Awakening: Labyrinth War Game Exp

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Labyrinth: The Awakening, 2010 – expands on Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – , a 1-2 player card-driven board game simulating at the strategic level the ongoing bid by Islamic extremists to impose their brand of religious rule on the Muslim world. This expansion continues where Labyrinth left off adding new rules and cards to cover the last five years of history. Inc…
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Labyrinth: The Awakening, 2010 - expands on Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 - , a 1-2 player card-driven board game simulating at the strategic level the ongoing bid by Islamic extremists to impose their brand of religious rule on the Muslim world. This expansion continues where Labyrinth left off adding new rules and cards to cover the last five years of history. Included are new mechanics to simulate the grass roots political movements of the Arab Spring and the resulting Civil Wars. Labyrinth: The Awakening provides 120 all new event cards, three new country mats, additional markers, cubes and cylinders, and 7 new scenarios, including 2 that are playable to conclusion in 7 turns or less. Components: 120 Playing Cards 15 Wood Cubes and 4 Wood Cylinders 46 Double Sided Markers 3 New Country Mats 7 Scenarios Expanded Rules of Play Booklet