TEVI - Nintendo Switch

TEVI – Nintendo Switch

RRP: £34.99
Now £28.29(SAVE 19%)
RRP £34.99
Nintendo Switch
Expected Release Date 01/12/2024
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Embark on an epic action-adventure as you slash, dash, and combo your way through a vast, vibrant world.

TEVI is a 2D pixel art, side-scrolling Metroidvania. Focusing on fast-paced bullet hell gameplay and a flashy combo system, the game also features intricate melee and ranged combat systems. Alter your playstyle with a variety of equipment and items to obtain.

A vast and Vibrant interconnected world with 40+ areas to explore.
A sweeping OST featuring over 70 original tracks.
Cast of 50+ characters with their own distinctive voice acting.
Over 300 pieces of equipment and abilities to find and collect.
More than 20 unique boss battle stages