Stranger Things Top Trumps Tin

Stranger Things Top Trumps Tin

RRP: $14.99
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Expected Release Date 04/04/2025
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Each pack of Top Trumps consists of a number of cards (usually 30 or 32) each of which features an item or character related to the subject of the deck; each card has a picture some numerical statistics and possibly some additional text. The pack is the size of an ordinary pack of cards so is readily portable. 2-6 people can play. Deal out all the cards face down to the players. Ea…
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Category Tags , , , SKU TWMV-WM04650-EN1-6 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Each pack of Top Trumps consists of a number of cards (usually 30 or 32) each of which features an item or character related to the subject of the deck; each card has a picture some numerical statistics and possibly some additional text. The pack is the size of an ordinary pack of cards so is readily portable.

2-6 people can play. Deal out all the cards face down to the players. Each player holds their cards face up but may only look at their top card.

The player to go first chooses the a statistic (usually a high one) from their top card e.g. "Top Speed 252mph". All other players read out the same statistic. Whoever has the best or highest value wins and places all the top cards including their own to the bottom of their pile. They then choose the statistic for the next round.

During a round if 2 or more cards tie or no data is available for that particular statistic then all the cards are placed to one side and the same player chooses again from their next card. The winner of the hand also takes the cards that were placed to one side.

The first player to win all the cards is the winner of the game.