Starfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box

Starfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box

RRP: £42.99
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RRP £42.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Explore the Galaxy! Launch into an exciting universe of science fantasy adventure with the Starfinder Beginner Box! Create and customize your own futuristic hero to play through challenging adventures and action-packed battles against dangerous foes! With streamlined rules, this deluxe boxed set is the ideal introduction to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, an imaginative tabletop ro…
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Explore the Galaxy!
Launch into an exciting universe of science fantasy adventure with the Starfinder Beginner Box! Create and customize your own futuristic hero to play through challenging adventures and action-packed battles against dangerous foes! With streamlined rules, this deluxe boxed set is the ideal introduction to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, an imaginative tabletop roleplaying game for 2-7 players. Welcome to the best launchpad for a lifetime of pulse-pounding adventure among the stars-the only limit is your imagination!

The Starfinder Beginner Box has everything you need to get started:
• A 96-page Heroes' Handbook, detailing character creation and general rules for playing the game, plus a short solo adventure
• A 96-page Game Master's Guide containing an adventure, alien adversaries, and advice on how to create your own science fantasy tales
• A complete set of seven polyhedral dice
• More than 80 full-color pawns depicting diverse heroes and aliens
• 24 plastic pawn bases
• Six pregenerated character sheets to throw you right into the action• Six blank character sheets to record the abilities of your custom-made hero• Six player aid cards for quick rules references• A durable, reusable, double-sided Flip-Mat play
surface that works with any kind of marker


Explore the Galaxy!
Launch into an exciting universe of science fantasy adventure with the Starfinder Beginner Box! Create and customize your own futuristic hero to play through challenging adventures and action-packed battles against dangerous foes! With streamlined rules, this deluxe boxed set is the ideal introduction to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, an imaginative tabletop roleplaying game for 2-7 players. Welcome to the best launchpad for a lifetime of pulse-pounding adventure among the stars-the only limit is your imagination!

The Starfinder Beginner Box has everything you need to get started:
• A 96-page Heroes' Handbook, detailing character creation and general rules for playing the game, plus a short solo adventure
• A 96-page Game Master's Guide containing an adventure, alien adversaries, and advice on how to create your own science fantasy tales
• A complete set of seven polyhedral dice
• More than 80 full-color pawns depicting diverse heroes and aliens
• 24 plastic pawn bases
• Six pregenerated character sheets to throw you right into the action• Six blank character sheets to record the abilities of your custom-made hero• Six player aid cards for quick rules references• A durable, reusable, double-sided Flip-Mat play
surface that works with any kind of marker