Starfinder Character Folio - Frontier

Starfinder Character Folio – Frontier

RRP: £9.99
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RRP £9.99
Expected Release Date 01/12/2024
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Organize and store your notes, character sheets, and spell cards in Ultra PRO’s Character Folios for Starfinder! Each folio features a vibrant full-art cover and internal pockets, and includes 10 single-pocket pages for character sheets and notes, and two 9-pocket pages for standard size spell cards. Character Folios now include a sticker sheet to help keep your adventures organiz…
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Organize and store your notes, character sheets, and spell cards in Ultra PRO’s Character Folios for Starfinder! Each folio features a vibrant full-art cover and internal pockets, and includes 10 single-pocket pages for character sheets and notes, and two 9-pocket pages for standard size spell cards. Character Folios now include a sticker sheet to help keep your adventures organized!

Officially licensed by Starfinder
Cover features iconic artwork
Includes 10 single-pocket pages for character sheets and notes, and two 9-pocket pages for standard size spell cards
Includes inner cover pockets for additional storage and a sticker sheet to help keep your adventures organized