Star Wars: Unlimited - Twilight of the Republic - Two-Player Starter

Star Wars: Unlimited – Twilight of the Republic – Two-Player Starter

RRP: £34.99
Now £23.79(SAVE 32%)
RRP £34.99
Expected Release Date 08/11/2024
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With two sets now out in the world, Star Wars™: Unlimited has only continued to ramp up since the game’s launch back in March. The second set, Shadows of the Galaxy, shifted the focus away from a specific era of the Star Wars galaxy in favor of shining some light on the shadows of the Outer Rim. Now, it’s time to return the focus to an iconic era, and a highly anticipated one …
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Category Tags , , , , , , SKU ZBG-FFGSWH0303 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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With two sets now out in the world, Star Wars™: Unlimited has only continued to ramp up since the game’s launch back in March. The second set, Shadows of the Galaxy, shifted the focus away from a specific era of the Star Wars galaxy in favor of shining some light on the shadows of the Outer Rim. Now, it’s time to return the focus to an iconic era, and a highly anticipated one at that: the Clone Wars.

In the Two-Player Starter, you will find two fully-built, ready-to-play decks for you and a friend to dive in and start learning the game. Lead a coordinated assault as Ahsoka Tano or command armies of droids as General Grievous!