Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed - Volume 1 (Paperback)

Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed – Volume 1 (Paperback)

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Delve deep into the dark past of Jango Fett! Find out how Fett became a Mandalorian warrior - and battled his way through war and slavery to become the bounty hunter that caught the eye of Count Dooku! Meanwhile, Ki-Adi-Mundi seeks a wayward Jedi on the backward world of Tatooine, and Jabba the Hutt will help - for a price! But Tusken Raiders and a vicious krayt dragon may mean the …
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Delve deep into the dark past of Jango Fett! Find out how Fett became a Mandalorian warrior - and battled his way through war and slavery to become the bounty hunter that caught the eye of Count Dooku! Meanwhile, Ki-Adi-Mundi seeks a wayward Jedi on the backward world of Tatooine, and Jabba the Hutt will help - for a price! But Tusken Raiders and a vicious krayt dragon may mean the end of his mission! And as half the Jedi Council head to the planet of Malastare on a mission of peace, a phantom menace looms in the shadows! Plus, Mace Windu braves the Smugglers' Moon! And what is Jedi Darca Nyl's deadly secret? Collecting: Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons 1-4; Star Wars (1998) 7-18; material from Star Wars Tales 8, 21-24