SideQuest: The Isle of Cats

SideQuest: The Isle of Cats

RRP: 15.99
Now €17.30(SAVE 8%)
RRP €18.99
Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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Side Quest: The Isle of Cats is a new, exciting puzzle game from the authors of the Escape Tales series, set in the world of well known board game The Isle of Cats.

Side Quest: The Isle of Cats provides players with engaging puzzle, and pleasant story. The game test your creativity, perceptivness, and ability to
think outside the box.

Solve the puzzles and escape the ship to save not just your own life, but the lives of these adorable creatures. They don’t want to cooperate in
the beginning but you’re sure you will gain their trust and together you will escape this horrible trap and find way back home.