Pussey! (Paperback)

Pussey! (Paperback)

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From the bestselling author of Ghost World comes this hilarious and satirical graphic novel, peeking into the insular, pathetic world of the comic book industry. As seen through the eyes of smash-superhero-comic creator Dan Pussey (Poo-say'), mercilessly skewering the business and medium of comics, bouncing from art to commerce to culture high and low. 'As he lampoons the world of c…
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From the bestselling author of Ghost World comes this hilarious and satirical graphic novel, peeking into the insular, pathetic world of the comic book industry. As seen through the eyes of smash-superhero-comic creator Dan Pussey (Poo-say'), mercilessly skewering the business and medium of comics, bouncing from art to commerce to culture high and low. 'As he lampoons the world of comics, Clowes writes with an ear that has clearly spent plenty of house at the dorkiest event Western civilization has yet devised: the comics convention.' - Spin'